General Assembly at Vicomtech


On the 9th and 10th of April, a plenary meeting took place at Vicomtech in San Sabastian, Spain, to discuss the goal of Luminous and agree on how different partners will contribute to the project. All [partners](link to partners page) attended the meeting, some of whom were present online.

In the introductory session, we started with presentations on the current state-of-the-art technologies related to the work packages within the Luminous framework. This was followed by presentations from the three pilot partners, including Mindmaze, Ludus, and Mindesk/Vection. Each partner described the current state and the planned approach for their pilot, and we discussed how this translates to a minimal viable product and the long-term vision for Luminous. Vicomtech gave a tour of their research facility and presented their research related to Luminous. This included demonstrations of various LLM-based applications and a camera system for capturing real humans and rendering them within 3D VR environments. The rest of the meeting focused on reaching an agreement between all technical and pilot partners about the system requirements, creating roadmaps for prototypes, and identifying the main modules and functionalities of the system.

This included a discussion about the overall system architecture and an agreement between the partners about the technologies to use. The meeting concluded with a discussion of the dissemination plan and future course of action.